Saturday, December 10, 2011


Do you remember when you got your first bike??? 

This was one of the neatest gifts I received last year at Christmas, and I still use it every week! 

I LOVE my bike!  :)

Every year, my family does a scavenger hunt for someone's gift.  It is so much fun!  So much of our gift-opening time is spent just having fun.  The gift is special, yes, but the gift is more than just the product: it is the time the person put into thinking about the gift and seeking it out.  And it's the memories that are made when planning the surprise and enjoying the gift later. 

I found my bike!  This was the result of a Christmas-day scavenger hunt 2010!

Try doing something a little different this year and make a scavenger hunt! 

I'm off to take a ride....

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