Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Why We Need People

I have recently started going to a local group where we share about life, we learn, we eat amazing food(!!!), and we build really cool friendships together.  And I love to meet new people and make friends.  Friends are, many times, what carry us through rough times, they can lend us hope when we're running low, and they can be a presence in our life when others come and go.  I hold a high value on friendship - whether a friend for a season or a friend for life.

So I was very delighted to hear a conversation between two people in my new group of friends.  One was telling the other about how stressful their life is right now, and how all they can seem to do is just make it through the day and be glad they did.  The comment that made me smile was when the second person said, "But that's just it - you make it through the day.  You did it and you can do it again.  And you just keep making it."

This is where relationships are so vital!  I've known so many people who I know would have been better off in their situation if they just, simply, had people around them.  Including me!  Here's the thing about people.... most of the time, there really doesn't have to be verbal communication in order for them to make a difference in your life.  They can make a difference because they let you know you're not alone.  They can offer you hugs and lunch and laughs, they can share with you tears and dirty hands and stories.

That brings me to this point - YOU make a difference by being a part of people's lives.  You were created for a purpose and you are needed.  Please don't neglect reaching out to people when an opportunity arises.  Somebody probably needs to hear you remind them they can make it through their day, they can do it again, and they can keep making it.

Image from HERE


  1. You are 100% right! Thank you for being one of my peeps!

  2. Hey, I just want to say thanks for sharing this. Sometimes it's hard to feel like I'm making any kind of a difference to anyone. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Susan - always! :)
    Josh - don't forget it! Thanks for the comment!
