Monday, April 23, 2012

Does the bush know your name?

There are several reasons why I love my pastor, Pastor Dan Betzer, and one of them is because he is such a good speaker.  Granted, he's had years of practice, but still, he's just really good.  Let's leave it at that.

A comment he made during a sermon recently was "Does the bush know your name?"  Sounds silly, but he was referring to when God spoke to Moses through a burning bush.  (You know the bush that was "burning" but wasn't actually on fire?  God is so creative...)

And so I ask myself, does the bush know my name?  Has the bush been talking to me and I haven't recognized that it is calling my name?

Don't get lost in the imagery here.  All it means is this: what might God be calling you (me) to do?  He spoke to Moses through a burning bush.  He's spoken through a donkey before too.  He will use whatever means necessary to speak to us, but are we listening?

Moses led a nation out of slavery.  It was worth listening to that bush for him.  What about for me?

What about for you?

Cool Burning Bush

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