Sunday, March 11, 2012

Waiting v. Camping

I mentioned in an earlier post about reading Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis (1952).  I've only made it through the preface with my busy schedule, but there were several things that grabbed my thinker and took off running.

I enjoy the way Lewis has written in such a direct style.  There is little fluff, but lots of illustration, in his writing.  Toward the end of the preface (pg. 12), Lewis is describing decisions we must make in life regarding how we will live out our faith.

However, he goes on to point out that while we are waiting to make certain decisions, we must remember this is a time of waiting, not of camping.  Rather, don't get too comfortable.  As Lewis explains it, we must keep seeking God on the matters, even though we are in a waiting time, because we are not there to stay.

This train of thought has led me to remember the Bible verse that clearly says we must have faith if we are going to have any chance at all of pleasing God.  In our times of waiting, we have to keep seeking God, believing that He has more for us than this "hallway", and believing that He will answer us.

I'm choosing to seek and believe.  Let's live proactively in the waiting time, and save the camping for our recreation times.

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