I don't want to lose sight of the fact that giving comes in so many different forms. A tangible gift is such a blessing most of the time, but there are times when someone simply needs an ear, a hand, or an encouraging word. Here are some ideas I thought I might challenge you with. Pick one and choose to do it during this holiday season to give a gift that can never be labeled with a price tag. And my hope for you is that you receive the joy of giving in response to your gracious act.
- Call or text a random friend to tell them something you think is spectacular about them.
- Send a letter in the mail to someone you know spends a lot of time alone.
- Help your neighbor decorate, carry in groceries, or trim their lawn.
- Take a walk and give a genuine smile to every person you pass.
- Invite someone over for hot coco and a holiday movie when you know they're down.
- Accept the offer of the bagger to help you to your car, and ask them about their life.
- Send an e-mail to a friend who is struggling with a big decision to encourage them.
- Hug an elderly person at church (gently!).
- Give a high-five to a little kid who looks sad and tell them how awesome they are.
- Offer to pick up or take home a co-worker who lives nearby when they're having car trouble.
- Wish the cashier a "great day!"
- Let someone cut in front of you without allowing your blood pressure to rise - consider it a gift to them.
- Tell your boss how much you appreciate them.
- Make a homemade dish and double the recipe. Share half of it with someone you know is struggling financially.
- Invite someone to your local coffee shop for a "catch-up chat". And pay for them!
- Show up at a good friend's office and bring them a flower, a cup of coffee, their favorite tea, their favorite candy, or just a coupon you found that you know they would like. Or just give them a hug to let them know you were thinking of them.
What kind of ideas do you have that can brighten and encourage someone's day with little or no cost involved?
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