Sunday, September 25, 2011


Some time ago, I was listening to a Beth Moore broadcast and she said this:  "The heart has reasons that reason cannot understand." (I'm not sure that those were her exact words, but it was very close.)

Several times in my life, my head and heart have been in so much turmoil over a given issue, that it almost completely drives my daily focus.  I'd search and search and search for a reason why this issue came up, I'd seek Godly counsel, I'd read books on the subject, study Bible verses on the subject, and pray almost incessantly about this constant weight in my mind or on my heart.  In these times, I know there's something going on - it's just something I can't shake - but yet I couldn't even put my finger on the core issue!  How frustrating!

I'd have banter back-and-forth within my spirit on how to best handle a response to the situation, how it would reflect on my faith, how it would reflect on my leadership positions, how my friends and family would take it, how I would live differently..... these thoughts were too much. 

Thank goodness for Godly mothers. 

My mom challenged me with this thought:
If I know I have the Spirit of God living inside of me; if I've given Him control of my life, and strive to serve Him with it daily; if I've sought counsel, researched scripture and Bible-based books on the situation; and if I still do not have peace about it - stop trying to justify being in the situation.  Even if it doesn't make sense to the people around you..... if you can't make your reasoning make sense on paper..... if you can't even find an answer to why you KNOW you have to do something, do it

God has placed inside of me His Spirit.  I have to trust that if I'm truly wrestling with an issue and I think God might be calling me to action, but I can't figure out why, I'm acting in disobedience to Him while I sit and try to figure it out. 

"The heart has reasons that reason does not understand."  Have you been wrestling inside with a change you need to make, or a step you need to take, or just letting go of something  that you feel justified in holding on to?  Don't wait to act in obedience. 

Here's the punch line:  every single time I finally responded in obedience, the issue all but vanished.   Stress gone, replaced by peace.  I become healthier physically; I become better focused mentally; and I get my smile back! :)

Don't be afraid to act in obedience to God, even if it doesn't make sense to people around you.  You could be missing out on a dream God has for you.  Do we dare risk that??? 

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