Thursday, February 7, 2013

Scripture Notes: Matthew 28 (Loyalty)

“And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” -Matthew 28:20b

Matthew records one of the last things he remembers Jesus saying as, “I am with you always.” It obviously meant a lot to him.

Matthew was a tax collector-turned-disciple. His whole career up to this point was riddled with trickery and deceit. Manipulation was the game. He would spend his time swindling people out of money to get a commission the government wouldn’t give him.

Up until Jesus called him, Matthew didn’t really know loyalty at all.

Walking with Jesus, following him quite literally, listening to His every word — these things gave Matthew the proof he needed in his spirit of Jesus’ loyalty. So, when Jesus said, “I am with you always,” Matthew knew it was no joke. Jesus wasn’t just saying something to get Matthew to do something. There was no manipulation involved here.

A light went on in Matthew’s mind. His heart finally understood all the prophecies of old: Jesus is the Savior. When He said He would be with him, Jesus had proven that He would. Whether He showed up physically or simply set up residence in his heart, Matthew had the most loyal friend he would ever find.

And he knew it.

When we choose to receive God’s gift of Salvation, the sacrifice of Jesus Himself, we choose loyalty to be on our side. Never again will we be able to say “I am alone” because Jesus promises to be with us. In Jesus, Matthew found genuine loyalty.

We can, too.

I'm reading through the New Testament and Psalms with my friends this year.  Would you like to join us?  This post is from our discussion on Facebook here , and we'd love for you to jump in on the fun!  Come stop by and leave your own thoughts on Matthew 28!

Special thanks to outpostChurch.

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