Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 Goal: Remember Every Day

I'm such a practical Christian.  I like to live out my faith for people to see it - not to show off, but to be honest with my life.  But even with my practical side, I am deeply moved by my heart's Lover.  I'm deeply, unashamedly, undoubtedly moved by my Savior, Jesus Christ.  And I am equally moved by the love of God the Father, for all He sacrificed in giving up Jesus.

Salvation and God doesn't make sense to a lot of people.  There doesn't seem to be anything practical about it.  Truth be told, though, it is the only practical thing - God's love for us.  We don't see the big picture well enough to understand this most of the time.  

But when everything else fails - EVERYTHING - God's love is still there.  

I would hope for you to read that one line and let your heart be seared by this love.  I dare hope it does.  Not because I typed it, but because God's Spirit whispers to you that this is true. 

Please listen to this song.  The song is a tool.  It's a way for you to connect with God.  It's a way for you to move past the here and now and invite God into this very place - this very moment - every circumstance - every joy and sorrow of your life - right now.  Don't get lost in the song.  Get lost in the incredible Love described in the song.  This is the Love of God.  Get lost in Him.

My first goal and hope and delight for every year of my life is that I never forget - that I always remember - the incredible love, the incredible sacrifice, and my incredible inheritance in Jesus Christ.  I hope you find that same delight every day with me this year.

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